So I have a lot to catch up on but I wanted to write this before I forget.
In January a few friends (Danika and Cherisse) and I decided to help keep us motivated to lose the baby weight, we would train and run a half marathon. Our other friend Alissa was going to run with us, but a few weeks into it she found out she was pregnant and couldn't run with us. I guess having a baby is a way good excuse to get out of it! We found a race where it gave us enough time to train, wasn't going to be too hot or humid, and our husbands would be able to watch the babies. The Patriot Half was perfect. We would run during the week and then on Saturdays we would run our long ones together. I remember how scared I was to run 2 in the beginning after just having a baby and not really exercising for 9 months. But slowly we were able to make it through the run each week. I think that the Saturday run was what helped me during the week to run!
The night before the race we had a yummy spaghetti dinner(that yes mom and dad I ate the red sauce with the noodles), a salad, and fruit. Cherisse got our stuff at registration and we looked through that and got our stuff prepared for the morning and where to meet and everything.
Bright and early at 5:45 we meet and drove to Rockwall. I kept saying how I felt before hand was the same as I felt right before labor. I was ready, prepared and excited but also SO nervous!!! We got there and took pictures and it didn't really sink in that I was really going to do this until we were lined up and about ready to go. Then it was like OH NO! What did I get myself into! But Cherisse and Danika were awesome and encouraging. My goal was to finish with them and I stayed with them for about the first half, but I had to walk when I went to the drink stations where they were awesome and just took it and went and I started slowing down a little bit. I was hoping to catch up to them but there was this horrible hill at the 10.5 mark that I swear went up for the next mile and a half and after getting to that I was like "nope, nuh-huh. I am walking this thing." So my new goal was to finish before 3 hours, which I just barely did. I finished at 2:53:30. Which is a miracle in itself! I am not a runner really. I used to run with Amy but that was a couple miles and then we would call it good. I think the most I ran previously was 6 in a row. I actually remember going running with my sister Jordan when I was younger and after a couple blocks I told her to go on without me and feeling like I would die!
At the horrible hill I was about done and I was thinking of ways to get an injury that would hurt less than finishing. I was also praying that I would make it through and not die, bc that was also the thought that kept popping in my head. Dramatic much?! But when I started walking there was a guy and a girl who were walking as well, and he said something(now I don't know if it was to me or not but I answered anyway) like this was the longest 3 miles. And we started walking together. If it weren't for them I don't know what I would have done. Probably sit at the corner and cry while I called for Spencer to come pick me up. But we were talking and one was a nurse in the air force and the other was in the air force as well. That made me feel a little better that the hill got the best of these people as well. We talked and ran together until the last couple blocks where they were wanting to take off, so I told them I would be fine and to finish. They were really an answer to my prayers!
My favorite part was a couple of times the guys would be at a spot and were cheering us on with our little ones. Every time we saw them I would hear behind me, "Aw look how cute!" Ava became more aware after each time she saw me. But the best was when I finished, she would lean towards me and reach. She really only does that to Spencer, I think because she sees me all day. But every time I gave her back to Spencer(I felt really weak and sore after and was afraid I was going to drop her) she would reach for me again and try to give me kisses. She missed me! I can't get over how much I love my little girl!
After we all treated ourselves to a victory dinner at Papasitos, a really good Mexican restaurant.
I have 4 bruised toe nails and a lot of blisters, hurt knees and back and woke up with sore/stiff legs but I think it was worth it just knowing that I could do it. I might not do it again, we'll see . But I think I learned my lesson! Next pregnancy I will do better! At the beginning I couldn't eat anything and so the last tri when I felt better and could eat I did. And might have gone a little over board! Next pregnancy I will eat better and exercise consistently so I don't have to feel like I have to do this again to lose weight if I don't want to! And I am putting this in writing so Spencer can remind me of this!
I have so much respect for my friends and family who run! You guys make it look/sound easy! I also want to thank Spencer for being so supportive and willing to watch Ava each night after he got home from school so I could run when he could have been studying especially when he had Boards or tests, and watching her every Saturday morning, and then waking up on his day off of school before 5:30 and cheering me on! I Love you!