Sunday, September 28, 2014

Shake It Off

We have been keeping ourselves super busy! Between gym, work, watching Ava and taking care of stuff around the place I barely have time to do anything!

In preparation for sister, we got Ava a baby doll. She LOVES it! She has to sleep with her doll every night or she can't go to bed. Ava likes to go up to my tummy and say "sis" well when she first saw the baby doll she got super excited and said SISTER! We have since convinced her that it's a baby doll and not sister. There are times when she gets confused and will call her sister though. She has now also started kissing my tummy after I ask her if she loves Sister. I'll take that as a yes!

Ava's favorite song right now is.... Shake it Off by Taylor Swift. She always wants to listen to it and it has to be the music video. She loves dancing and when she wants it played she'll go to a computer and goes "Song." I love Taylor Swift but I don't know how much more I can take of that song. We literally listen to it like 25 times a day. As I am writing we are listening to this song. Not even kidding that it's her favorite.

Ava also knows that at night, after she listens to "Let It Go" on Frozen or "Be Our Guest" on Beauty and the Beast that it's time for bed and if Mom is trying to clean up or do something she will pull at my shirt and say "sit, sit" because we have to cuddle while watching. Sometimes I feel like I should be cleaning or doing something else(especially since I've seen it so many times) but I remind myself that in a few months everything is going to change and Ava's world is going to be completely different so I sit with her and don't feel guilty. One bad thing about naptime though is she learned how to open her bedroom door so when she doesn't want to take a nap she'll open the door and be like "HI!"it's kinda cute sometimes.

Ava's favorite thing to do is to give knuckles. Especially to Nana and Dadpa. Dadpa is what she calls my dad instead of Grandpa. Dadpa does a radio show on ustream Thursdays so she can see him and she kept trying to give him knuckles even though he couldn't see her. So I texted them to let them know and Dadpa gave knuckles back she was so happy and she had the biggest smile on her face. We went shopping the other weekend and I put her in front of a mirror while Dad was looking at work pants. Well she started playing knuckles with herself. Also entertained herself for about 10 minutes doing this!

I have been NEEDING chocolate(I always have to clarify not a want but a need with Spencer) so we got chocolate ice cream the other day! Ava hasn't really had ice cream a lot maybe once from Sonic when my parents were in town, since she couldn't eat dairy until a few months ago. But while we were eating ours we gave Ava some and she loved it. No surprise! I fought with her to eat dinner and since she reluctantly did I gave her some and I had no problem getting her to eat that. In fact she kept asking for more.

I had a Dr's appointment on Thursday and they measure your stomach to see how big the baby is growing. The first thing Ava does when we got home was found a measuring tape and put it up to her stomach. It was super cute!

She is also independent and wants to do things just like mommy. She takes my shoes, make up, jewelry and phone. She also has to do what I do and at Kroger we found a shopping cart Ava's size and she did a pretty good job pushing it and not running into people. I was impressed. And everyone who saw her though she was the cutest(can't really blame them there!)

I was also finally able to complete a project that I've been wanting to do since we brought Ava home. I made a shadow box from her hospital stay. I pretty much finished it just in time to make another one and it only took me about 2 years! But I am pretty please with it! It has her coming home outfit, the wrist bands and a few other stuff.

Last weekend my friends also threw me a diaper shower since we have pretty much everything we need for sister. It looked so cute and I had a fun time! It was funny because the night before I was craving chocolate and queso and they had a cheese, chocolate and pizza fondue set up. It was so yummy and perfect!! I also won a game which like never happens! It was so nice to get together with friends and not have to worry about Ava! A big thank you to Cherisse, Danika, and Laura!

And lastly:
We email my little sister, brother and brother in law each week and I send pictures of mostly Ava to them. Well my little sister requested a picture of sister(me) too so here is me with sister at (almost) 34 weeks.

And Ava wanted to be in the picture too. That is her I just woke up hair so ignore that!
Only a month and a half left! Hopefully not longer. Sister actually can't come late because then Spencer won't be able to be there since he has the last part of boards the weekend she's due! 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

I have the cutest daughter!

I haven't been doing the picture updates monthly since it was getting ridiculously hard to get a picture and then do everything. But I did keep track of all the things that Ava does that I love. 

My absolute favorite thing that she does right now is she'll randomly come up to my tummy and put her hand on it and say "Sis" over and over until you tell her yeah that's sister or you'll ask her where sister is and she'll put her hand on my stomach. Each time she'll have a big smile too!

-Loves purses, necklaces, and especially shoes and sunglasses.

-She loves having friends over. When we're watching any of her friends she feels it's her job to help watch them, so she'll try to feed them, change their diaper, or give them drinks, blankies or whatever they need especially if they are crying. She's very mother-y  and hopefully it means she'll be a helpful good sister!

-We have the opposite of a problem with brushing teeth, She doesn't want to stop brushing her teeth and gets upset when I don't let her brush them with her toothpaste

-She knows that when you go shopping you have to put things you want in the cart. Most of the stuff Mom has not approved or knew she put it in there(usually shoes or sunglasses or a toy). 

-Empty toilet paper rolls are now musical instruments

-Constantly singing, especially to Frozen. She sings "Love is an Open Door" but just says door over and over, and the same with "Do you want to Build a Snowman" but instead says Man or clicks like the clock.

-Loves leaves and in the pool thinks they belong there and makes it her mission to put them all back in the pool, same with mulch at the playground or rocks in the street.

putting rocks back in the hole in the street

- She will fight you to change her diaper unless you ask her where she wants to lay down. Sometimes it can take a few different spots for her to find the right place and she might roll around. Usually it's by a wall or someplace where she makes it hard for you to change her. When she's being ornery she will lay down then flip onto her stomach. 

-She loves swimming and now loves baths!

-She loves Bubbles, she mostly chases them though since they pop before she can get to them

-Loves going outside and if she gives you her shoes and then your shoes it means take me outside now!

-When I fix my hair she puts her hands up to her hair and acts like she is fixing it. When she finds booby pins she will put them in her hair herself.

-She has to have her own makeup brushes and puts on "makeup" with mom

-When she hears music she will look at you and smile, then wait for me to smile before she starts dancing. 

-Likes picking her own clothes out. They don't always match, and are sometimes two shirts or two pants but she wants to wear them both. Then there are the times where she wants to wear her too small pajamas bc they have princesses on them like in the picture. She also wants to change multiple times a day. 

-Loves going on walks, especially when she gets to push her toy stroller while we walk.
(It's blurry but she wouldn't stay till and it was dark)

- If she see's something that's mine or spencer's and she knows she's not allowed to touch it she rushes to give it to us. Even if I have spencer's phone or vise versa she takes it and gives it to the right person. She also loves rushing to give me my mouse. Especially if you close the door on her, she will knock and knock until you open the door so she can give it to you like the most important thing is for you to have it(when really she's just trying to get into the room)

-Loves playing ball with dad
This looks like she's heading the ball or whatever you call it
but it's actually her throwing the ball 

-Sleeps in a big girl bed and Loves it, even still. We haven't really had a problem with her transitioning from crib to bed. The first week or so she would ask to go to bed and now she knows at bed time we give dad a kiss and go straight to bed.

-LOVES coloring. She will color for hours if you sit with her. Unfortunately we're still teaching her that you can't color on the walls, something that is difficult since we have a white board on our wall that dad writes on a lot. (not pictured the many coloring marks on my walls)

-Sofia the First is one of her favorite things to watch. We have a lot of Sofia stuff. Like a Sofia the First Shower curtain. If you come visit us you have this to look forward to! :)

-Loves her Baby dolls and babies

There were times when we couldn't go anywhere without this baby doll

-She's getting better at speaking but a lot of words she says are the ending. Like Sofia is "aaaa" and she sings it,  goldfish are "ish" and Please is '"se"

-Words she can fully say are "Mom" "Dad" "Walk" "Watch" "Sock" "Shoe" "Bath" "Stair" "More" "No" Yes" "Sis" and more but I can't think of them. Her favorite is by far "NO"

-Knows what to do when she gets adjusted by dad. Other people not so much

-Loves having visitors/visiting and playing with Aunts and Uncles

-Loves her Mommy and Daddy, not as much as we love her though :)