Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Well this week we are 32 weeks! We're so close, it's so weird. So for Halloween I wanted to dress up in a white shirt and have a baby doll's arms come out of my belly, but my co-workers wanted our department to dress up as the cast of the wizard of oz, and wanted me to be Dorthy. Another person in a different department had a Dorthy costume that she let me borrow. The problem was that it fit 3 weeks before when she gave it to me, but a couple days before I tried it on again and it didn't fit quite so well. So I went to walmart and bought blue fabric and no sew adhesive stuff and made a semi blue apron. It worked, ish. 
AP Dept

I also had another dr. appointment. I was wanting to travel back to Omaha during thanksgiving since most of my siblings were going to be there but I got completely shot down by the dr. Like there's a no and then there's' what happened to me. I swear I have never seen a bigger eye roll then I did then. So needless to say,  I will be staying in Dallas for Thanksgiving. 

I don't really think Ava likes our dr, or at least the little machine(the fetal doppler thing).The last time he used it she kicked it. This time she made the dr. frustrated because he would hear the heart for a second and then she run away from it. He did like five times and the last time she stayed still enough for him to get her heartbeat. And she is still head down and very low and everything is looking good! 

After work we also went to vote! The line was kinda long. We were there for about 45 minutes in line waiting and the line was almost out the doors. If that's what it was like before election day, I'm glad that we went early! I was a little upset though(still am!) that I didn't get a sticker! So I settled on taking a picture. 
Can you guess who I voted for?
The WORST thing about being pregnant this Halloween was not being able to eat all the junk food that was at work! Next year I will make up for this!

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