Monday, February 25, 2013

Rolling over!

Today Ava rolled over for the first time! And I missed it! I put her down for tummy time and then went to grab something to eat for breakfast and I noticed that she wasn't crying like she usually does. So I went to look at her and she's on her back with a smile on her face like she was saying "Haha I totally got out of tummy time!" And me being me got super excited (after coming out of being in shock) and started clapping and smiling at her and after that she had an even bigger smile on her face.

I spent the next 5 minutes trying to get her to roll over again and trying to get it on video. She almost got it again but ended up crying and getting frustrated so we stopped.

It's times like these that I wish I didn't have to work and just got to play with her since she's been SO Happy today. She's also just lately, if she's not hungry, will stay in her crib and talk to herself and entertain herself in the mornings! I may be biased but she is PERFECT!
When I first saw her smiling
When I started clapping and getting excited


  1. Cutie! Look how big that smile is! Adorable!

  2. Oh my goodness what a cute little thing! And that smile! Oh geeze! so frickin' adorable!

  3. Lexi this is why I tried calling you at 8:30 your time. I was so excited I couldn't call Spencer since he was in class and mom didn't answer at first.
